"Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived."
- Jean-Luc Picard
I've thought about these words many times over. My personal past experiences with change and letting go or leaving things behind lead me to be interested in the abandoned and often old environments littered with evidence of past presence. Many people feel that places and objects can hold memory or value. They can often serve as a reminder of those moments we are to cherish. In my life this is why I value many objects and places. I refuse to let go because I am scared that the memory will disappear from my mind once the association with it is gone. This leads me to question why these places are left behind and so littered with artifacts.
I have a very hard time accepting change and moving forward in my life. Exploring these places makes me realize that nothing in this world is permanent. We live in a world of ephemeral moments, places and objects. Whether these are significantly life changing or just a phase of life they are still a part of who we are. Every person chooses how important they make things in their life.
The conditions of the environment and artifacts can begin to speak about what a person or family was like. It can also speak about the carelessness of other people that found these environments after its care takers were long gone. We are able to get a glimpse into how humans choose to value or not value a place and it's object, possible quality of life and how they may have lived.
I find these places and items to be parts of beautiful moments of discovery. There is a beauty in the discovery of what is left abandoned by others. The aesthetic beauty draws me into the thing, but the idea of the history behind it and the stories I am able to think about or create in my mind is what holds my attention. So what I want to be pondered is the idea that it really may not be about how we have lived because what we leave behind may say just as much about us.
I have a very hard time accepting change and moving forward in my life. Exploring these places makes me realize that nothing in this world is permanent. We live in a world of ephemeral moments, places and objects. Whether these are significantly life changing or just a phase of life they are still a part of who we are. Every person chooses how important they make things in their life.
The conditions of the environment and artifacts can begin to speak about what a person or family was like. It can also speak about the carelessness of other people that found these environments after its care takers were long gone. We are able to get a glimpse into how humans choose to value or not value a place and it's object, possible quality of life and how they may have lived.
I find these places and items to be parts of beautiful moments of discovery. There is a beauty in the discovery of what is left abandoned by others. The aesthetic beauty draws me into the thing, but the idea of the history behind it and the stories I am able to think about or create in my mind is what holds my attention. So what I want to be pondered is the idea that it really may not be about how we have lived because what we leave behind may say just as much about us.